Sushil Sharma associates have been in the profession and providing consistent services since 1997. Our team of engineers and architects in shimla have assisted the execution of several residential, institutional, hospitality, commercial and group housing projects in and around Shimla. A considerable number of projects have been executed in other districts of Himachal as well. Having a good experience in designing and planning on hills being architects in Himachal Pradesh for almost 25 years, we’ve acquired good knowledge of contours. Designing effectively keeping environmental sustainability in mind is our motto. We strictly believe in creating the best possible output considering minimum harm to the environment and following the government bye laws.


Problems it can solve and responsibility of an Architect on hills

Architecture holds the power to transform our surroundings, may it be buildings, streets, roads or green areas and utilise it for the betterment of our lifestyle and enhanced comfort of living. Architecture is the tool which transforms our vision and ideas into reality. If we see on a bigger level architecture can be the solution to many problems our society faces on daily basis. Problems like crime rates, overpopulation, mental illness, depression, illiteracy, places prone to natural hazards, air pollution, noise pollution, accessibility issues, sustainability etc. can all be resolved with the help of architecture in their own different ways. Architecture holds magnificent powers that mankind isn’t aware of. Moreover in hilly areas ,like Architects in shimla carry a bigger responsibility on their shoulders i.e of protecting a city like Shimla which is prone to natural calamities like land slides etc. by avoiding the false means of constructions and inheriting the sustainable construction techniques culture.


Who is Ar. Sushil Sharma inspired by?

Architect Sushil Sharma says he is greatly influenced by Ar. Zaha Hadid. She was mainly known for her radical deconstructive design. Also she was the first woman to win The Pritzker Prize in 2004. Some of her famous projects are: Bridge Pavilion, Zaragoza, Spain ;Phaeno Science Center, Wolfsburg, Germany ; Guangzhou Opera House, China and so on. He says, she’s admired so much around the world for her extraordinary visualisation of forms and concept of Parametricism which was promoted as the successor to post-modernism in architecture. According to this concept, even as in nature we find mountains, rivers, valleys that has undergone influence of manyforeign factors like rocks , rain, snow to get moulded into it’s present shape and form similarly in parametricism influence of environment and foreign factors are vital in the evolution of a particular built form.Following this theory , being one of the top architecture firm in Shimla, Sushil Sharma associates constantly try to meet with the clients requirements no matter how challenging they seem to be.


As architects in Shimla for almost 25 years

Sushil Sharma and his team has always believed in working hard and creatingstructures that are aesthetically pleasing, safe for the user, environmentally sustainable and functional to maximum of its capacity. We’ve accepted all kinds of challenges in the years of our experience, whether it is taking a different kind of project and studying it from the basics, or it is in terms of environmental sustainability which is important to consider as a design firm in shimla, whether it is about exhibiting richhimachali culture and heritageon national platforms or it is about conservation of colonial architecture of historic town Shimla.And we hope to continue doing our job in the best possible manner in the coming years of our practice.


We believe proper planning in any project is not possible without the extensive study of site, contours, site features, orientation and climatic conditions of a particular area. We’re against the approach of cutting hills into plain grounds in order to build on it, it’s a pure disrespect of the nature. With our experience we have attained the ability to design the structures in harmony with its surroundings, may slope on the site be steep or gentle(which is one of the problems that architects in Shimla face). Finding hard strata under the ground is important for a firm foundation to be built. And sometimes it is difficult to find it on hilly terrain as compared to plains. Being in hills the client wants to capture the best possible views from each corner of the house. Configuring it in a way to get the best possible views in hills is different from that in plains. Built form in hills must complementits natural surroundings and gel into the environment rather than standing out. Unlike plainsbalancing of cut and fill plays an important role in environmental sustainability and natural disaster management while designing on hills.


Planning involves consideration of numerous aspects that influence the main outcome we’re in process of producing. Aspects like nature and extent of site, client’s requirements, surroundings of the site, bye laws and regulations of local authorities, influence of traditional and colonial architecture all adds up to create a criterion which we follow throughout our design process. Sushil Sharma Associates try to use elements of design to match the criteria that we have created from the consideration of various aspects we referred to with the help of clients. Creating spaces as per the requirements is what we do.

Fulfilling our client’s expectations keeping in view nature of site and environmental sustainability. And designing structures that ensure the safety of client are our core responsibilities.

Sushil Sharma Architects